Thursday, February 10, 2011

Whats in a name?

I have been asked about the name of this blog. When I began running seriously about 4 years ago my goal was to finish a half marathon on my 47th birthday.  I did that, via a Fleet Feet Chico running program and I finished the Four Bridges Lake Natomas Half Marathon that October. Since that time I have set other goals, and eventually took on the marathon. Along the way I found that I loved running, the running community and the energy exuded by runners of every speed and ability. I began coaching for the local Fleet Feet and get to be part of my fellow runners achieving their own goals. Having finished three marathons including the Paris Marathon in 2009 I set my sights on the next step, ultrarunning.  An ultra is defined as anything over the marathon distance of 26.2 miles.
 I originally came up with the idea of Greater Than Or Equal To as expressing the distances I have run as a play on the mathematical symbol: ≥
Since the symbols doesnt translate to a blog title very well for web browsing, I typed it out and in typing realized its more relation to the goals we set for ourselves.  Be it a 5K, or a 100 miler, a duathalon, a full tri we have to ask ourselves are we up to it? I strive to be better than the goals I set, more than the target. I think that translates outside of our physical endeavors as well. At work, at home, raising your kids, quitting a bad habit or starting healthy ones.. Always set your sights higher.. be Greater Than or Equal To whatever you take on

Run Happy

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

New Video

Race organizers have a new video out.  Worth watching:
25th Marathon de Sables

Flights are booked!

Finalized by flights today.  I am leaving on March 28th and winging my way to Ouarzazate via San Francisco, Paris and Casablanca (of all the gin joints in all the world)!

Training is going well though perhaps a little behind. After 15 miles with the pack on Saturday in some new shoes I am wear testing I woke up Sunday to a pretty sore knee.  Took the day off.. Superbowl had NOTHING to do with it! I am averaging about 50-60 miles a week right now with three long runs a week.

My pack, The Osprey Talon 33 has been awesome, now I just need to see if I can start fitting everything into it.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Counting down

Fifty-eight days until they load us all on buses in Ouarzazate, Morocco and take me and some 60 other Americans out to the middle of the Sahara, along with the rest of the international competitors, to run the 26th Marathon de Sables (The Marathon of the Sands). Runners from 42 countries will converge that first week of April to test ourselves against heat, sand and fatigue in an ultra marathon called "the toughest footrace on the planet".
Over the course of 6 days and approximately 150 miles runners are completely self sufficient except for water rationed at check points and a bivouac each night. Carrying fully loaded packs with all our food, supplies, clothing and sleeping gear the course is broken into stages equaling about 20 miles each day with a middle stage of 50 miles followed by a full marathon, 26.2 miles the next day.  Compulsory items such as a compass, anti-venom kit, survival blanket and flares are checked by race officials along with a requisite 2000 calories per day each runner must have in their possession. The Sacramento Bee posted these pictures from last years race.
I have been training and accumulating equipment since December and over the remaining 2 months I will share my experiences running with a back pack, the gear required and my thoughts during the race.
Run Happy!