Thursday, February 10, 2011

Whats in a name?

I have been asked about the name of this blog. When I began running seriously about 4 years ago my goal was to finish a half marathon on my 47th birthday.  I did that, via a Fleet Feet Chico running program and I finished the Four Bridges Lake Natomas Half Marathon that October. Since that time I have set other goals, and eventually took on the marathon. Along the way I found that I loved running, the running community and the energy exuded by runners of every speed and ability. I began coaching for the local Fleet Feet and get to be part of my fellow runners achieving their own goals. Having finished three marathons including the Paris Marathon in 2009 I set my sights on the next step, ultrarunning.  An ultra is defined as anything over the marathon distance of 26.2 miles.
 I originally came up with the idea of Greater Than Or Equal To as expressing the distances I have run as a play on the mathematical symbol: ≥
Since the symbols doesnt translate to a blog title very well for web browsing, I typed it out and in typing realized its more relation to the goals we set for ourselves.  Be it a 5K, or a 100 miler, a duathalon, a full tri we have to ask ourselves are we up to it? I strive to be better than the goals I set, more than the target. I think that translates outside of our physical endeavors as well. At work, at home, raising your kids, quitting a bad habit or starting healthy ones.. Always set your sights higher.. be Greater Than or Equal To whatever you take on

Run Happy

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