Tuesday, March 1, 2011

One Month Out

With just about a month to go it was time to tally up all the gear, separate the food out to what I will need for each day and see if it all fits into the pack.

This is pretty much everything except a couple pair of socks, some earplugs (recommended) and the water bottles that mount on the front of my pack.
Here is a fairly typical days food.  Instant oatmeal and poptarts for breakfast, Top Ramen for Lunch and some high calorie backpackers Risotto for dinner.
Next its time to play MdS "Jenga" and see if I can get it all into my backpack.

I didnt much care for the way the sleeping pad ended up so trying some different approaches suggested by some of my hard corps back packer friends.
All totaled up I was right at about 20 pounds. A bit heavier than I wanted so this weekend I will pare some things down and try a different carry method for the sleeping in pad. But it was good enough to get some running miles in and I took it out both Saturday and Sunday.  Saturday was a dual purpose run, try out the weight and check out a new course for the training groups towards Honey Run. The pavement was pretty tough to work on and my knees and ankles were NOT happy!
Sunday I faired better by staying on the dirt and got a solid 15 miles in along the trails and fireroad in Upper Park.
This weekend I am going to try eating all weekend on a similar type and amount of food.  THAT post should be fun!
Run Happy!

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